
Basic Tae Kwon Do Terms and Phrases

Tae Kwon Do Korean martial art
Kuk Ki Won World Central Gym in Seoul, Korea
Moo Duk Kwan School of Martial Virtue (Association we belong to)
Bon Kwan Main School
Ji Kwan Branch School
Do jang Training Hall
Kwan jang nim Head of Kwan
Sah beom nim Instructor (Above 4th Dan Black belt)
Boo Sa beom nim Instructor (Above 3rd Dan Black belt)
Jo gyo nim Instructor (Above 1st Dan Black belt)
Sah beom nim gae,Boo Sa beom nim gae, Jo gyo nim gae To the instuctor
Whae won Member
Je ja Student
Dan Degree
Geup Grade
Yoo dan ja Black belt holder
Yoo geup ja Grade holder
Do bok Uniform
Cha ryo (ryot) Attention
Gyong lye (lyet) Bow
Sah beom nim gae To the instructor
Mook nyum Meditate
Joon bee Ready position
Ba ro Return to ready position
Shee oh Rest, relax
Gee ma ja sae, Pal butt gee Horseriding stance, punch
Gee ap Yell
Gyo dae Change opponent, Switch arm or leg
Ap cha gee joon bee Front kick position
Bot oh ol lee gee Straight leg kick
Ap cha ol lee gee Straight leg front kick
Yeop cha gee (joon bee) Side kick position (ready position)
Sahm soo sik Three-step fighting
Il soo sik One-stp fighting
Gong gyok = Jil lue gee = Pal butt gee Attack (punch)
Gee cho dong jak Basic movements
Ja yoo dae ryon Free fighting
Ghoo lyong eh ma cho so By the count (By my count)
Ghoo lyong op sie Without count (At your count)
Do rah Turn around
Bang oh = Mak gee Block
Say jak Begin
Yi sang Finish
An jo Sit


Tae Kwon Do Stances

Jeon gool ja see Front stance
Hoo gul ja see Back stance
Gee ma ja see Horseriding stance


Other Tae Kwon Do Terms and Techniques

Bal Foot
Hyong Form
Gahp kwon Back fist
Jeong kwon Forehand fist
Yoo kwon Hammer (bottom) fist
Pyon ju mook Half fist
Doo bon jil lue gee Double punch
Soo do Knife hand
Yeok soo Ridge hand
Kwan soo Spear hand
Il ji Kwan soo One-finger spear hand
Yi ji Kwan soo Two-finger spear hand
Ba tang son Palm
Pal koom chi Elbow
Moo roop Knee
Ap cha gee Front kick
Yeop cha gee Side kick
Dwit cha gee Back kick
Dol lyo cha gee Roundhouse kick
Bal koom chi cha gee Hook kick
Dwit dol lyo cha gee Wheel kick
Bit cha gee Opposite front kick
Yi dan ______ cha gee Jump _______ kick
Il (cho) 1st
Yi 2nd
Sahm 3rd
Sah 4th
Oh 5th
Yook 6th
Chiel 7th
Pal 8th
Goo 9th
Sihp 10th


Basic Movements
(Gee Cho Dong Jak)

Ha dan bang oh Low block
Joong dan gong gyok Middle punch
Sang dan gong gyok High punch
Sang dan bang oh High block
Joong dan yop mak gee Middle side block(back stance)
Whaeng jin Middle side punch(horse stance)
Bak e seo an eu ro mak gee Out to in block
An e seo bak eu ro  mak gee In to out block
Ssang soo (jeon gool) Two fist block
Hoo gool ssang soo (mak gee) Two fist block (back stance)
Ha dan soo do mak gee Low knife-hand block (back s)
Joong dan soo do mak gee Middle knife-hand(back s)
Yeok jin Opposite (reverse) punch (back s)



Ha dan gong gyok Low punch (attack)
Joong dan gong gyok Middle punch (attack)
Sang dan gong gyok High punch (attack)
Yeok jin Opposite (reverse) punch
Pyon ju mook Half fist
Doo bon jil lue gee Double punch



Ap cha gee Front kick
Yeop cha gee Side kick
Dwit cha gee Back kick
Dol lyo cha gee Roundhouse kick
Bal koom chi cha gee Hook kick
Dwit dol lyo cha gee Wheel kick
Bit cha gee Opposite front kick
Yi dan ______ cha gee Jump _______ kick
Bot oh ol lee gee Straight leg kick