Regulations of Tae Kwon Do

Regulations of Tae Kwon Do

  1. At no time will any Je Ja enter the Do Jang with shoes on.
  2. Je Ja’s who enter or leave the Do Jang will acknowledge with a Kyong Yet.
  3. Je Ja’s late for class will ask permission of the instructor to attend.
  4. Never question (contradict) the word of your instructor.
  5. No jewelry or chewing gum will be allowed in class.
  6. Talking is permitted only when asking a question of the instructor.
  7. During the class period, there will be no laughter, whistling, or horseplay.
  8. No profanity will be allowed in the Do Chang.
  9. When smoking or drinking with the Do Bok on, remove the belt and place around the neck.
  10. When entering the office, knock, Kyong Yet, then enter.
  11. The master instructor will be addressed as SAH BUM.
  12. Never smoke in the presence of the SAH BUM.
  13. Black Belt holders will be addressed as YU DAN JA.
  14. Je Ja’s will address each other as Mr., Mrs., or Miss (Ms).
  15. Whenever the Sah Bum is holding class, no Je Ja will approach him directly.
    Approach the senior belt holder and ask his permission first.
  16. You will conduct yourself outside of class as a lady or gentleman,and a
    true karate representative at all times.
  17. Karate, or any other form of self-defense will be used only as a means of
    self-defense; to protect yourself, your family, and the weaker.
  18. Failure to comply with the above, could result in:

Dismissal from class
Period of Probation
Loss of Grade
Loss of grade and suspension from all activities
Dismissal from the Korea Tae Kwon Do Association and all affiliates.