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lrv Rubenstein


Larry Weitz

I admire your dedication to teaching others and your demanding attitude toward learning. You were and inspiration and taught me many things, not the least of which was the value of persistence. I often think of your many anecdotes about training and have applied them to work and school. I liked most your description of running up a mountain taking a few more steps each time you run. To me this story is more about channelling one's will than about steadily getting in better shape. The most difficult part of most achievements is maintaining the willpower to sustain the activity as it becomes progressively more difficult.

-Charlie Scott


Jay West

Relationships evolve over time as a function of commitment and performance. Thus did ours evolve from student to lawn-mower to assistant to a stage few ever achieve with a superior: friend. You had always said, "If you have a problem, money or otherwise, come talk with me. " How many have taken you up on this offer? Not many, I would guess. As mundane as it may seem, a girl I had been dating dumped me, not an unusual event, but one that hit hard this time. Devastated (hell- I was still under 30, just an aged teen), I called you at work and asked if I could come see you. You met me in the hall and shared my despair and concern with my ability and desire to attend class that evening. Mind you, I had never missed class until my divorce in 1987. You suggested I not attend if I were not up to it, even for a couple of days. Of course I did go to class. The point is, you were there when I needed you, you listened, you empathized, and you withdrew from the position you'd held in the past- "Just be there!" In honor of this anniversary, I would like to express my thanks for what few of us have dared to know, your very real humanity. I believe that that is what provides you the power

we acknowledge and respect.



Justin Rubenstein


Charlie Scott

Donnie Walt

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