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As people progress in Tae Kwon Do, they not only become better fighters, but they also carry the determination they gain over into their daily lives. I've seen many people in our class who developed persistence in working toward longterm goals by cultivating their fighting spirit while working toward their black belts.

Tae Kwon Do also means a family. All who come to work and learn are treated as brothers and sisters. People needing help are provided with it, both inside and outside of class. I'm very grateful for the extra assistance I have received over the years from the black belts who were asked by Mr. Haw to stay after class to work with me.

I am also very grateful to Mrs. Haw and Mr. Haw's family. Not only did they provide all the fine hospitality and food at the wonderful Black Belt reunions in years past, but more importantly, his family was willing to share Mr. Haw's time. It takes a tremendous amount of time to teach so many classes a week, and I'm grateful that Mr. Haw and his family made it possible for our Tae Kwon Do family to have the benefits of his teaching.

Darrel L. Ellis, MD

Darrel Ellis


Renard Harris

Todd Hennings

Paul Jarrett

Decosta Jenkins

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